A Newcomer’s Guide to the Metal Gear Saga
By Jen Miller, Posted on October 20, 2023

With the upcoming release of Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol.1 on modern game platforms, a new generation will finally get the opportunity to dive into Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear game series. As legendary as the series is, it can be daunting for total newcomers to even know where to begin, let alone get past the damn title screen in Metal Gear Solid. Don’t worry, we got you.
Written, Edited, and Directed by
Narrated by
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Guide
Policenauts for people who don’t understand Japanese
Metal Gear Saga Story Summary
“Metal Gear Solid – The Story So Far.” YouTube, TheGamingBolt, 2017
“Metal Gear Solid.” G4 Icons, season 3, episode 16, G4, 28 Oct. 2004.
Metal Gear Solid 2 – The Making of the Hollywood Game. Directed by Nicolas Beuglet, Narrated by John Forbes, Fun TV, 2002.
Keighley, Geoff. “The Final Hours of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.” GameSpot, 3 Nov. 2001.
Metal Gear Saga Vol.1. Directed by Ryan Payton, Narrated by Jack N. Merluzzi, Konami Corporation, 2006.
Kojima, Hideo. Interview with Etsu Tamari. MGS4 Pre-Launch Interview – Themes, July 2008.
Hideo Kojima’s Gene [Internal Perspective]. Directed by Hikaru Okita, Narrated by Shinya Tsukamoto, Konami Corporation, 2008.
The Making of Metal Gear Solid 4 [External Perspective]. Directed and Narrated by Victor Lucas, Greedy Productions Ltd., 2008.
Kojima, Hideo. “Solid Game Design – Making the Impossible Possible.” Game Developers Conference, 26 Mar. 2009, Moscone Center, San Francisco.
Written Essays
Howell, James Clinton, and Jerel Smith. “Driving Off the Map: A Formal Analysis of Metal Gear Solid 2.” DELTAHEAD Translation Group, 2007.
Howell, James Clinton, and Jerel Smith. “Monstrous Births: A Formal Analysis of Metal Gear Solid 4.” DELTAHEAD Translation Group, 2010.
Urbina, Artemio. “Metal Gear Solid 2 Ending Analysis: Gene and Meme.” JunkerHQ, March 15, 2002.
N., Maxwell. “Hideo Kojima As Gaming’s Auteur Deserves To Be Credited As Such.” The Snake Soup, July 6, 2015.
Miller, Jen. “The Curious Case of Tomokazu Fukushima.” The Snake Soup, June 21, 2020.
Wolfe, Terry. “Thank You, Shinkawa.” META Gear.
Miller, Jen. “Is The Phantom Pain unfinished?” The Snake Soup, September 5, 2021.
Wolfe, Terry. “From Nothing: Why It’s Okay To Question Everything (Especially Metal Gear Games).” META Gear.
Singh, Ravi. “Why Portable Ops is a Sign of Bad Things To Come.” The Snake Soup, February 20, 2008.
Singh, Ravi. “Leaving All That Crap in San Hieronymo Behind.” The Snake Soup, July 18, 2010
Singh, Ravi. “A World of Men, Not Snakes.” The Snake Soup, October 17, 2010.
Jackyl, Mad. “Metal Gear Solid 2: ‘Special’ Options Analysis.” META Gear, June 2010.
Wolfe, Terry. “The VR Theory.” META Gear.
Miller, Jen. “Don’t remake the Metal Gear Saga, re-release it.” The Snake Soup, November 3, 2021.
Fontes, Renan. “Age Hasn’t Slowed Metal Gear Down One Bit.” Goomba Stomp, August 20, 2022.
Fontes, Renan. “Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake – Bigger Tensions, Bigger Thrills.” Goomba Stomp, September 16, 2022.
Fontes, Renan. “Metal Gear: Ghost Babel – A Legacy Left Behind on the Game Boy Color.” Goomba Stomp, September 29, 2022.
Fontes, Renan. “Metal Gear Solid: Tactical Espionage Retrospective.” Goomba Stomp, October 18, 2022.
Essential Myth Articles
Miller, Jen. “Myth: Hideo Kojima said that Portable Ops and Rising are canonical.” The Snake Soup, March 30, 2016.
Singh, Ravi. “Myth: Big Boss was in a coma when he was cloned.” The Snake Soup, July 30, 2011.
Miller, Jen. “Myth: Liquid Snake thinks dominant genes are superior.” The Snake Soup, August 10, 2021.
Singh, Ravi. “Myth: It’s unknown who The Boss and The Sorrow’s child was.” The Snake Soup, 2004.
Singh, Ravi. “Myth: Null adds to Gray Fox’s backstory and does not retcon it.” The Snake Soup, February 4, 2010.
Singh, Ravi. “Myth: Snake dyes his hair.” The Snake Soup, August 08, 2006.
Singh, Ravi. ”Myth: Metal Gear: Ghost Babel is a VR Mission Raiden went through.” The Snake Soup, 2004.
Singh, Ravi. “Myth: Metal Gear was always a Sony franchise! Rising is a betrayal!.” The Snake Soup, June 28 2010.
Video Essays
Singh, Ravi. The Reality of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. YouTube, The Snake Soup, 29 Nov. 2011.
Singh, Ravi. Metal Gear Solid V: Parasitic Legacy. YouTube, The Snake Soup, 15 Apr. 2016.
Miller, Jen. Solid Snake: The Greatest Gaming Hero (Metal Gear Saga Analysis). YouTube, ForceWave, 19 Mar. 2023.
Miller, Jen. Why it was never Hideo Kojima’s “last Metal Gear game” (until it was). YouTube, ForceWave, 24 Nov. 2022.
Topus, Fox. Seeing Things For What They Are: Raiden & Rose Analysis. Narrated by Shy Den, YouTube, 1 May 2016.
Callaert, Glen. Why Konami Pushed Hideo Kojima Out of The Company. YouTube, ThatGuyGlen, 13 Jan. 2020.
Lee, Jorin. War & Pacifism in “Metal Gear” Games. YouTube, Futurasound Productions, 29 Mar. 2021.
Lee, Jorin. -Intruder- METAL GEAR & The Medium【MINISERIES】. YouTube, Futurasound Productions, 3 May 2021 (ongoing?).
Saba, Michael. Metal Gear Solid V is a Misunderstood Anti-War Masterpiece. YouTube, Michael Saba, 5 Aug. 2020.
Metal Gear Solid vs. The Twin Snakes: How Not to Remake a Classic (Comparison, Critique, & Review). YouTube, jackdonsurfer, 29 Jan. 2021.
The Creative Gene by Hideo Kojima – Kojima explains the media he loves and how they influenced him.
Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots by Project Itoh – Hideo Kojima credits Project Itoh as being one of the few people who understood Sons of Liberty when it was first released. Itoh would go on to become a creator in his own right, with original novels that were later adapted into anime films. This novelization of Guns of the Patriots is a good way to hold yourself over until the game finally gets ported, and Kojima even recommended that newcomers read Itoh’s novelization in order to better understand the Metal Gear Saga.
Genocidal Organ by Project Itoh – Originally a SNATCHER-inspired fan-fiction written by Itoh. Would go on to inspire The Phantom Pain‘s themes of control through language. Later adapted into an anime film by Geno Studio.
Harmony by Project Itoh – Itoh’s second original novel. Deals with similar medical themes as Kojima’s POLICENAUTS. Later adapted into an anime film by Studio 4°C.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) – Kojima’s favorite film ever. Though its influence is especially felt with his space-faring adventure game, POLICENAUTS, the film’s influence can be felt throughout all of Kojima’s work.
Dr.Strangelove or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb (1964) – A satire on the Cold War that greatly informed Kojima’s worldview.
Gojira (1954) – Known in the West as “Godzilla”, Gojira was a milestone in early post-war Japanese cinema, depicting the anxieties of a country still reeling from the atomic destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To quote Para-Medic, “it’s mostly mindless fun, but it’s also got a serious anti-nuke message as well”… a description that’s also apt for the Metal Gear franchise itself.
Blade Runner (Theatrical: 1982, Director’s Cut: 1992, The Final Cut: 2007) – An early cinematic influence on Kojima, which would go on to inspire his own cyberpunk epic, SNATCHER.
The Great Escape (1963) – Kojima credits this World War II film for giving him the idea of basing a game around stealth.
Escape from New York (1981) – The original “Snake.”
From Russia With Love (1963) – Though the entire James Bond 007 film franchise inspired the Metal Gear series, Kojima singled out this film as one of his favorites.
Che (2008) – A two-part biopic about controversial Cuban revolutionary. Kojima supposedly cited the first part as an influence for Peace Walker.
RoboCop (1987), Total Recall (1990), Starship Troopers (1997) – While Kojima may not have referenced these films as influences, Paul Verhoeven’s mix of action movie camp, whacky science-fiction, and social commentary all fit Kojima’s narrative style like a glove.
Persona (1966), 3 Women (1977), Mulholland Drive (2001) – Likewise, while none of these have been specifically cited by Kojima as an influence, all involve themes of personal identity that fans of The Phantom Pain would appreciate.
Oppenheimer (2023) – The legacy of the atomic bomb, and the culpability of scientists who contribute to the war machine, casts a long shadow on both Hideo Kojima’s life and in the Metal Gear Saga. Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer powerfully depicts both of these topics.
Fun Fanworks
Cliff-Notes on Metal Gear by Ravi Singh, Terry Wolfe, Z.Erim Bilgin, and Lázaro Martínez
@othatsraspberry’s Metal Gear comic archive
The Last Days of FOXHOUND by Chris Doucette
Let’s Destroy Metal Gear! by Hiimdaisy (Digital Graphic Novel adaptation by Broad Spectrum)
Metal Gear Solid 4 in a Nutshell by SupaGoGoMan
Merry Gear Solid: Secret Santa by Arthur Lee
Merry Gear Solid 2: Ghosts of Christmas Past by Arthur Lee
Metal Gear: Snake’s Revenge – Just Bad Games by Rerez
Metal Gear Abridged by LordQuadros
Morphenomenal! by LordQuadros
MGS2 BIG BOSS Rank and Commentary by James Howell
MGS3 FOXHOUND Rank Video Walkthrough by James Howell