Metal Gear Solid 4 on Xbox 360? Big fucking deal!
Editorial by Ravi Singh, Posted on February 01, 2007
First off, in order to prevent something I don’t want to happen, listen up–this is an editorial article, NOT a myth article. As in, don’t go around posting "OMG SNAKE SOUP CONFIRMED MGS4 ON 360!!!11" because that’s not the point I’m trying to make here at all.
My point is that everyone needs to shut the fuck up about it. Every god damn place that has some Metal Gear fans or console fanboys houses a great debate about the porting of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots to the Xbox 360. If you’ve been living under a rock, or Utah, then let me fill you in on the details:

Check out Electronic Gaming Monthly… their December 2006 issue. posted the cover of this issue even before November. Halo fans were all thrilled because that’s the cover story. Metal Gear fans got confused because, on the top, in tiny letters, the magazine asks "Metal Gear Solid 4 on Xbox 360?" as a way to make you get your ass up, go to a newsstand, pick up a copy and… read it only to be disappointed because the inside says as much as the cover: there is reason to believe that Konami realized that they would make more money porting Guns of the Patriots to the Xbox 360, though apparently Hideo Kojima is against it.
Faced with curious people asking curious questions, Konami said "Metal Gear 4 is a PS3 title." Idiots got all "OMG THERES A MG4 ON PS3?!" while semi-idiots went "Ok, so it’s never being ported ever." People like me… we read around the words. Yes, Metal Gear (Solid) 4 is indeed a PlayStation 3 title. No doubt about that, asshole. We wanted to know if it’s being ported. Of course you guys aren’t going to halt production of the game on the PlayStation 3.
Anyways, regardless of the open-ended statement, that ended it for the most part until a website called "Noooz" claimed to have exclusive information about such a port actually planned out by Konami. Noooz claimed that the source is from someone "high-up." Did God himself contact them and tell them that Xbox 360 owners did not have to pay at least $499 to play a $60 game?! Regardless of who this source is, his or her claims said that Konami plans on porting it sometime after the PlayStation 3 release. Then, Konami simply announced that "Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time." Once again, this statement is open-ended. So at the moment, they will not port it. They could have a plan some other time. Like tomorrow.
So here’s what we know for sure: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will be released for the Sony PlayStation 3.
And here’s what we aren’t too sure of: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots could be ported later for the Xbox 360.
Anyways, the topic here isn’t "if or if not." It’s damn possible, and Konami is covering their ass by making vague statements to shut some people up, my favorite being Ryan Payton answering the question about Metal Gear Solid 4’s exclusivity by saying that it will "be a good game."
My topic here is not if it happens, but rather, shit like this:
I omitted Alex’s surname, but yes, this is an actual e-mail I got. It’s not too different from:
Or this guy:
Even on this site’s forums:

Don’t get me wrong and don’t misunderstand me. I’m not against people who say that the Xbox 360 version, should it exist, might not be as good as the original PlayStation 3 version. I agree with that. In fact, I’m positive that the port would be extremely watered down. Think Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3… now think of it on the PlayStation One (yes, they actually did "port" the fucking thing). Ok, maybe not as bad, but considering that Guns of the Patriots utilized a lot of the PlayStation 3’s features, porting it would not end well. I’m just against people who are against the idea that a game will be ported so that it will be enjoyed by more people.
I mean, unless you’re Hideo Kojima (who’s stance is that ports don’t end up that good and he’d rather focus on the PlayStation 3’s features than worry about shit fucking up on the Xbox 360), Sony (who would shit their pants since this is one of the few exclusive titles that people give a shit about, since Grand Theft Auto 4 and Resident Evil 5 are now being developed for Xbox 360 as well), or an impatient rich asshole (Because you bought a PlayStation 3 for $999.99 on eGay–OMG GET IT eBay LOL–and now you not only realized how fucking stupid you are, but you randomly became money conscience and had you know of the possibility, you would have waited and either buy one later or buy an Xbox 360), so what? I’m buying a PlayStation 3 for this game, regardless of if it does get ported. If someone else feels that one game is not worth an extra hundred or whatever dollars, then so be it. What’s it to you, humble fanboy? It’s not like it’s NOT going to be released for the PlayStation 3, which some people actually do think is going to happen because their friend gave him cannabis brownies and, since he cannot figure out the secret ingredient, he is always hungry and eats more of them, which creates a cycle of stupidity.
That’s right. Fanboyism is dictating this argument. Take this guy who calls himself Liquid_Ocelot:
…and they are spending at least a million making a Metal Gear Solid 4.
What are the Lotto numbers for this Wednesday? Just wondering because you seem to know a lot about the future.
Damn right. Those Metal Gear Solid figures and promotional T-Shirts will be good enough to not warrant a port to a more popular system.
Besides Kojima needing to pay off the high budget given to his team by Konami, I’m sure that Kojima needs to pay for a new Segway while Konami wants some profit as well.
You and some other fanboys. Maybe Sony. Otherwise, I don’t think people will give a shit to the point where they will refuse to purchase Guns of the Patriots on PlayStation 3. Besides, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance was released on Xbox first in North America. That pissed a lot of people off, but I’m sure Konami made a good bit of money on that limited exclusivity contract with Microsoft.
Neither would I. But if it randomly happens due to some random magic occurring, I wouldn’t care. I’m not a Halo fan, so I won’t buy it. Others can if they really want..
…Resident Evil 4, which was at first a GameCube exclusive, is one of the most critically acclaimed titles in that series. Stop talking out of your ass.
Good point. Too bad that in order to have the whole PlayStation 3 experience, you have to pay a lot more than $700, considering the price of games, an extra controller should you want one, a USB cable to charge that second controller, an HDMI cable, and god forbid you want to add a 1080p HDTV with HDMI 1.3 capabilities to that shopping list.
On a sidenote, this guy does say something I agree with:
With that aside, some Fanboys, like feel_freetwo seem to say the most random shit:
…does this guy think he has a lucid dream? The PlayStation 2 did come after the Sega Dreamcast (remember that?) but it came out a year BEFORE it’s main competition–The Nintendo GameCube and Microsoft Xbox. The PlayStation 2 was not as easy as the Xbox to develop for (though I have no idea when it comes to the GameCube) and as for the "online service," Sony still hasn’t got anything that’s comparable to Xbox Live! Sorry.
This person is forgetting that it costs Sony around $850 to make one 60GB PlayStation 3. It used to be that the Xbox 360 also cost more to make than to buy, but they just managed to make it slightly profitable. And for those curious about the profitability of the Wii, well, Nintendo admitted that they will make money of off the new console from the day it shipped.
No, he’s just allegedly against the idea. What do you mean "the market isn’t built for it?"

No, that would be you. Also, do you prefer 12 year-old RUSSIAN boys or something? I mean, I don’t get your logic at all, nor do you provide any proof for your "facts."
THAT’S what you meant. Ok, well, you’re somewhat correct on that one. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for the Xbox did not do well at all. Still, who cares? Why give a fuck if a game is ported to another system?
Not that Xbox 360 fanboys are any better.
Okay guy. Apparently, this guy will win the great debate of his sad town that lacks of any fun for it is composed of idiots who installed a caste system based on what console one owns, and how well that console does. If "revenge" for Sony’s lies is the only reason why Xbox 360 owners actually want the game ported, then Konami probably won’t do it. I guess we will see.
My stance is simple. If you want the best version of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, it would have to be the PlayStation 3 version. Why? Because the game is being made with that console in mind. If it’s being ported to the Xbox 360, then it would have to be tweaked around a bit. The only reason why someone should buy a Xbox 360 port is if they absolutely cannot get the PlayStation 3. I’m not rich, but I’ve saved up for a PlayStation 3 and an HDTV just for this game. Hideo Kojima believes that it will be worth it. Hopefully it is. Regardless of the game ever being ported, I’m sticking with the PlayStation 3 version. Still, that should not make me think any different should the game be ported to another console. I get the best version, and some others will get an inferior version. Big deal?
Fuck, there might never even be an Xbox 360 version. Sony might want to give Konami a sweet deal to keep the exclusivity contract running. All of this arguing and bullshit could be over nothing.
Well, there’s one thing for sure. Don’t expect a Wii version. I mean, I already own a Wii so obviously that could save me money (I still should get an HDTV, though), but I’d laugh if they, somehow, "port" it. It would be like Metal Gear for the NES again. Instead of fighting the actual boss, Snake will destroy a giant PC running Vista! And god, can you imagine what the septic tanks would say online? You thought the people above were bad?